What Are The Companies That Started Business In Garage?

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    There’s a lot of potential drama in the common garage. In these heated and air-conditioned garages, homeowners may leave their prized automobiles in peace. For people who enjoy doing things themselves, a garage might serve as a makeshift workshop. The noise from power tools and other machinery is not likely to be heard inside the house or by neighbours thanks to the garage’s location, especially if the garage is detached. Toys, photos, figurines, and souvenirs that hold sentimental value yet can’t be thrown away can be safely stored in the garage, making it a multipurpose space.

    Speak to us if you’re looking for premium garage storage solutions in Melbourne.

    Have you heard that your garage isn’t just a place to keep your stuff; it’s also a great place to come up with innovative solutions to problems? In fact, most people go to their garages when they need some alone time for contemplation or inspiration because of the seclusion they offer. Perhaps this is why so many successful businesses got their starts in humble abodes like garages. It may come as a surprise to learn that the humble garage served as the first location for some of today’s most prosperous businesses. Have a look at Garage Storage Solutions


    Apple Garage

    The house where Apple co-founder Steve Jobs grew up is a major tourist attraction today. In the tiny garage of a 61-year-old house in Silicon Valley, California, Jobs and his business partner Steve Wozniak built the first Apple computers. First, they sold 50 Apple 1s to Paul Jay Terrell’s Byte Shop at $500 per.

    The residence doesn’t look like the kind of place where a groundbreaking concept would be conceived, much less developed into a multibillion dollar enterprise. In reality, other from some relatively small shrubs, a concrete driveway, and a standard Garage door, the house could be any other in a suburban neighbourhood. Who knew this little garage would become the holy land for Mac users? Check out garage baskets.


    Google Garage

    These days, if you want to find something on the web, you go straight to Google. Google.com, which has been online since September 15, 1997, is widely regarded as one of the web’s most efficient and trustworthy search engines. Google, founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin, is a household name today, yet the company’s humble beginnings were actually in a garage.

    Beginning operations in Susan Wojcicki’s garage in Menlo Park, California, September 1998 marked the beginning of Google’s history. Susan Wojcicki is the CEO of both Google and YouTube; her husband, Dennis Troper, is a high-ranking Google employee. During their time in this fortuitous garage, Google was named one of PC Magazine’s Top 100 Web Sites for 1998. The magazine lauded Google’s ability to provide highly relevant search results. After a few months of operation out of Susan’s garage, Google moved its headquarters to 165 University Avenue in Palo Alto in February 1999. Speak to us if you’re looking for elite garage storage solutions in Sydney.


    Mattel Garage

    A typical American child’s toy collection includes Barbies, Hot Wheels, and Cabbage Patch Kids. These playthings are highly coveted by elementary school children around. Your childhood self probably had no idea that the origins of these cherished toys may be traced back to a garage in sunny California.

    Mattel was founded in a garage in 1945 by Ruth and Elliot Handler and Harold “Matt” Matson, who initially manufactured picture frames. On the other hand, Elliot came up with a fantastic plan in which he repurposed leftover pieces from picture frames to furnish a little house. Following Harold Matson’s departure, the Handlers shifted their focus from picture frames to toys. Mattel established its headquarters in Hawthorne, California, in 1948, and by 1959, one of the most recognisable toys of all time had been developed. The world was introduced to Barbara Millicent Roberts, better known as Barbie. Check out garage smart wall hooks


    The garage in the Hewlett-Packard origin tale is unique since company founders Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard rented the home in which it was located. The garage at 367 Addison Avenue, previously unknown to its owners, is now widely recognised as the spot where the idea for Silicon Valley was first developed.

    In 1938, when Hewlett and his business partner were looking for a place to set up shop, they stumbled upon the garage. The partners’ initial offering was an audio oscillator, and it was developed using a working capital of $538. Hewlett-Packard, or HP for short, is the moniker they settled on after formally forming their partnership. The company’s journey to technological success really took off once its founders moved out of the garage and into a rented building at 481 Page Mill Road in 1940. HP bought the land in 2000 and renovated the garage, home, and shed on the property to use as its first office. As of 2005, the HP garage was commonly referred to as “Silicon Valley’s” original home base.


    HP garage

    Speak to us if you’re looking for garage storage solutions in Australia.

    Never in his wildest dreams would Nike’s founder, Phil Knight, have guessed that a trip to Japan would cement his place in history as the creator of the world’s most recognisable brand of athletic shoes and apparel. Before starting his professional career in 1963, Knight took one last trip to Japan. He arranged to meet with Tiger, a Japanese maker of running shoes, to introduce himself as a potential American distributor. He made up the fact that he worked for Blue Ribbon Sports out of the blue. When he first began selling these shoes, he did so from his car, which was not in the garage. Instead, he used the garage to store his goods safely until moving Blue Ribbon Sports into its own building and eventually becoming the sportswear behemoth that is Nike.

    These businesses were able to make the leap from garages to city centres by refining their offerings and targeting the correct consumers. Maybe the next billion-dollar corporation is just getting its start in a garage near you right now.


    Most people retreat to the privacy of their garages when they need time to think things over or find inspiration. Many successful companies of the present day got their start in garages. If you’re looking for high-quality garage storage options in Melbourne, check out Garage Storage Solutions. A garage in Menlo Park belonging to Susan Wojcicki is considered the birthplace of Google. Ruth and Elliot Handler, along with Harold “Matt” Matson, started Mattel in a garage in 1945.

    The concept of Silicon Valley was born in Bill Hewlett-garage. Packard’s Hewlett and his partner were on the hunt for a commercial space in 1938. The garage became known as the first “Silicon Valley” headquarters. In 2000, HP purchased the property and had the garage, house, and shed rebuilt.

    Content Summary

    1. A garage can double as a workshop for do-it-yourselfers.
    2. The garage has multiple purposes, as it provides a secure place to keep toys, photos, sculptures, and souvenirs that contain sentimental significance yet must be kept rather than discarded.
    3. This could explain why many great companies got their start in nondescript places like garages.
    4. Some of today’s most successful businesses had their start in surprisingly unassuming places: garages.
    5. Jobs and his business partner Steve Wozniak assembled the original Apple computers in the cramped garage of a 61-year-old house in Silicon Valley, California.
    6. In September 1998, Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in Susan Wojcicki’s garage in Menlo Park, California.
    7. Susan Wojcicki is the CEO of Google and YouTube, and Dennis Troper is a senior executive at Google where he met Susan.
    8. Google was recognised as one of PC Magazine’s Top 100 Web Sites of 1998 when it was still in this fortunate garage.
    9. Google’s original location was Susan’s garage, but after a few months there, the company relocated to 165 University Avenue, Palo Alto, California, in February 1999.
    10. Ruth and Elliot Handler, along with Harold “Matt” Matson, started making picture frames in a garage in 1945 and eventually went on to form Mattel.
    11. Once a garage, 367 Addison Avenue is now famous as the place where the concept of Silicon Valley was conceived.
    12. Hewlett and his partner were searching for a location to open a business in 1938 when they came across the garage.
    13. After formally creating their partnership, they opted on the name Hewlett-Packard, or HP for short.
    14. After relocating from the garage to a rented building at 481 Page Mill Road in 1940, the company’s technological progress took off.
    15. In 2000, HP purchased the property and rebuilt the garage, residence, and shed to serve as its first office.
    16. The HP garage became known as the first “Silicon Valley” headquarters about 2005.
    17. If you’re in need of garage storage options in Australia, get in touch with us today.
    18. Phil Knight, Nike’s founder, could never have imagined that a visit to Japan would seal his position in history as the designer of the world’s most recognisable brand of athletic shoes and apparel.
    19. Before beginning his career in 1963, Knight made one final journey to Japan.
    20. He suddenly decided to lie and say that he was employed by Blue Ribbon Sports.
    21. In the beginning of his shoe-selling career, he did it from his automobile, which was not parked in a garage.
    22. Before relocating Blue Ribbon Sports into its own building and eventually establishing the sportswear behemoth that is Nike, he made use of the garage to properly store his wares.

    FAQs About Garage Companies

    What Company Was Founded In A Garage In 1976?

    Apple computer. In 1976, Steve Wozniak created the first Apple computer. He then joined forces with the late Steve Jobs and another partner, Ronald Wayne, to launch Apple Computer Co. from Jobs’ adopted parents’ garage.

    Which Company Was Not Started In A Garage?

    Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says that the notion the great company started in a garage is “a bit of a myth.”

    Why Do Companies Start In Garages?

    ‘ For the billion dollar companies today, starting out in garages eliminated distractions by cutting of external hindrances and allowed them to just focus on the problem they wanted to solve. Thinking big but starting small.

    Did Bill Gates Start Microsoft In A Garage? 

    Indeed he did. Back in 1975, Bill Gates and his friend Paul Allen founded Microsoft from a small garage space in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

    Which Big Company Was Launched From This Garage In Seattle?

    Amazon was founded by Jeff Bezos from his garage in Bellevue, Washington, on July 5, 1994. Initially an online marketplace for books, it has expanded into a multitude of product categories: a strategy that has earned it the moniker The Everything Store.

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