When you’re short on kitchen space, every square inch counts for twice as much. For example, you may put your sponges on the inside of a cabinet door or hang your spices on an exposed wall. We promise that if you implement even one of these ingenious ideas into your kitchen, you will immediately notice a significant increase in space. Have a look at Garage Storage Solutions

Sometimes it’s difficult to find a good system for organising a tiny kitchen. We pinned a lot of kitchen organisation ideas, but all the kitchens had ample storage space for dishes, pots, and spices. You only had four drawers and a few cabinets, so we needed to get creative. We experimented with many different layouts for our new kitchen before settling on the one we’re currently using, and since it seems to be doing well, we thought we would write up some of the ideas that have helped me get things in order there.

Prioritise the “MUSTS” first.

Given the constraints of the region, storage options were limited, particularly with regard to drawer space and huge cabinets. We anticipated this would be the case and decided to complete these sections before moving on to the rest of the cupboards.

One of the drawers would have to be designated for silverware storage. Due to the double drawer design of the IKEA SEKTION cabinets (one of my favourite features! ), we can also store our knives there, right above the sink. You’ll be relieved to get rid of the knife block you used to keep in your old kitchen; it was bulky and took up valuable counter space.

Start with a clean slate

When we begin an organisation endeavour, the first thing we do is clear the area. But there’s a LOT of stuff to clean out of a kitchen! Although this may be out of the question if you have a sizable kitchen, if your kitchen is on the smaller side, you should definitely give it a try.

Here’s why: every time we settle into a new home, the first thing that we do is organise the kitchen. Therefore, we don’t always put items where they make the most sense in terms of how we utilise the kitchen.

By removing all of the contents from the cupboards, we were able to start with a blank slate and avoid the trap of assuming that the spot where we usually keep an item is the correct one.

Now that everything is out of the cupboards and drawers, you can give them a thorough cleaning. You won’t believe how good that makes you feel until you go to put things back where they belong.


Anyone who has read any of my previous writings on getting organised will know that this is the starting point. You despise a messy environment; therefore, regular culling is essential to keeping us from feeling swamped by our possessions.

You need to take stock of everything you have in your kitchen and treat it like a clean slate before you can begin. So, take everything out and see how much damage there really is. This may seem like an insurmountable task but think about the end result: a kitchen you can actually use, a counter that’s as clutter-free as possible, and more time spent there. After sorting through your belongings, create piles for the things you want to keep, throw away, and donate.


Once we had removed everything from our kitchen, we could begin my favourite phase, which was the elimination of unnecessary items. We enjoy a good decluttering, which is especially important when dealing with limited square footage.

We can’t have a lot of stuff because we have a tiny flat and a tiny kitchen. There is a finite amount of cupboard and counter space in a kitchen. Consequently, we must be practical about what we can and cannot preserve.

Since this is the case, my next suggestion for organising a small kitchen is to eliminate all the clutter first. If your kitchen cabinets are stuffed with unnecessary items, no amount of organisation tips will help.

Through the process of decluttering, we were able to get rid of a tonne of unused items and maintain only the necessities.

Check out garage baskets

Arrange Your Items Based on Frequency of Use

The aforementioned system of organisation is equally applicable to storage closets and pantries. Daily-use tableware such plates, cups, glasses, and cereal bowls should be stored on lower or eye-level shelves. The glasses can be stored in a cabinet near the sink at eye level since they are used more frequently than the plates. Less-frequently used goods can be stashed away in the back of a closet or on a higher shelf out of the way.

simple modern kitchen

Sky’s The Limit

Don’t forget to check the ceiling for more storage for your cookware. Put up a hook and you can keep these kitchen necessities out of the way but yet easily accessible.

Create Two Shelves Out Of One

Using wire shelf risers, you can make your shelves taller, giving you more room for utensils and other goods. See? You shouldn’t get rid of your favourite  crockery set, mug collection, or cute bowls just because you don’t have enough cupboard space.

Tea Bag Organizer

You probably have a drawer full of several kinds of tea because you enjoy switching up your flavour choices throughout the day (smart move). This space-saving tea organiser is ideal for minimising clutter and maintaining pristine tea leaves.

Stackable Solution

Put your dishes, bowls, and mugs on racks that slide under the shelves to free up even more cupboard room. More dishes will fit in the cupboard, and you’ll have an easier time locating individual ones.

Placemats and even the holiday table runner can be safely stashed in plastic pins. This is the finest part: They disengage so that you need not rummage around for anything on the return journey.

Invest In Useful Storage 

Though drawer and cabinet organisation containers can be useful in even the tiniest kitchens, it’s crucial to provide plenty of wiggle area for when you inevitably need to make some adjustments.Take a look at my handy container for measuring spoons and cups down below, as well as my excellent knife storage system. Not only is it convenient to have a place to toss the numerous sets of measuring spoons (We have three sets because we frequently test various meals at once) that we accumulate after emptying the dishwasher, but we also like the convenience of having a place to store them until we need them again.

Hanging Around

Is storage in your kitchen cabinets getting tight? With a pull-out coffee cup rack, you may store and display a large number of your daily use mugs.

You’ve finally run out of places to put your priceless collection of coffee mugs, but you need a way to proudly display them. We noticed some stylish cup displays in Sarah Bishop’s kitchen, and all it took was a few hangings cup hooks.

Extendable Cutting Board

In a compact kitchen, a pullout option is ideal because it provides additional counter space while taking up very little room. Plus, there’s a pull-out cutting board that can be used for anything from chopping vegetables to slicing bread. Plus, you can tuck it away easily after use by sliding it back into the cupboard.

“Split and Conquer”

One of the simplest methods to maintain order in the kitchen is to instal drawer dividers. Utilize a divider to neatly classify your cutlery, spices, and knives.

You can customise drawer dividers to fit any size or shape of cutlery, not just the standard cutlery set.

Store Pans Sideways

Our kitchenware is usually a chaotic and noisy mess, no matter how much we try to keep it in order. To save yourself some future aggravation, stack your pans, chopping boards, lids, and baking sheets horizontally.

Food Container Drawer Organiser

How often do you find yourself without the proper lid for your tupperware when it comes time to keep food? Guilty. For a smooth post-dinner cleanup, store all of your containers and lids in this sleek organiser.

Be Careful Not to Clutter Your Cupboards

Creating functional categories for your family is the key to keeping track of the food you already have. In this case, the bottom shelf is for snacks, while the second level is for breakfast goods and desserts. We anticipate there will be some spillover, so we’ve allowed space in the third.

Storing baking sheets, chopping boards, and lids is easy with a metal file organiser. Find one at a dollar store and you’ll have it in no time. Use a rubber shelf liner or hook-and-loop tape to secure the bottom of the organiser to the cabinet base and prevent it from moving around.

As time passes, the contents of a junk drawer inevitably grow to the point where they crowd out the things you need quick access to. You should go through your junk drawer once a quarter and make sure everything in there is useful. Extra rubber bands, plastic bags, chopsticks, business cards, and so on can all be thrown away.

Use a Kitchen Cart to Get More Surface Area

Instead of building more permanent cupboards and counters, consider using a movable kitchen cart. When preparing for a crowd, such during Thanksgiving, the top can be used as an extra work surface. Plus, the things that often clutter up my kitchen tops have a home on the shelf below. Find a cart with a durable surface, such as butcher block, stainless steel, or plastic laminate, if you intend to use it for preparing meals. Some carts have stunningly crafted wood surfaces, but they don’t hold up very well over time. You may probably find a cart that will complement the wood finish of your current cabinets. A painted or glossy metal cart would also work to achieve an eclectic effect.

In-Kitchen Pegboard

A pegboard is a great option for storing and displaying kitchen utensils and gadgets of all sizes. So many things can be done with them, and they also look great.

We love this idea of storing your pots and pans on a pegboard. This Kitchen Pegboard Pots and Pans Pegboard Organizer Storage and Organization Kit is ten times stronger than traditional pegboard, so you know those pots and pans aren’t going to come crashing down.

Organise by Tone

Since you take the time to colour-coordinate your wardrobe, it seems to be the reason that you would also apply this kind of organisation to the space you spend the most time in. Exactly. Using colour-coding, you can enjoy the advantages (flexibility) of open shelving without the drawbacks (visible clutter).

Were you trying to find a creative home for all of your colourful equipment and cookbooks? Like Amanda and Justin did in their home tour, you could sort your cookbooks by spine colour and use matching appliances as bookends.

Clearly Label Your Containers

Items that your family always keeps on hand are best stored in clear containers ($14, amazon.com) — this way, you can see when you’re running low and add them to your shopping list.

Beautiful glass canisters are aesthetically beautiful Storage containers which make it simple to see when supplies of pantry staples are running low.

Take a Narrow View

Put canned foods in the narrow area between your fridge and the wall.

Shelves For Under The Sink Storage

Do you feel bad about squandering the space under your sink? Stop crying already! This incredible under-sink organiser stretches and adjusts to accommodate any size sink cabinet.

How to Make Use of Space Taken Up by Tension Rods

There’s a tendency for cleaning products stored under the sink to get knocked over and scattered. The good news is that we know a lot of neat ways to arrange our cabinets. Hang your cleaning items vertically from a small tension rod within the cabinet. A paper towel roll can be slid through the tension rod for quick and easy access. Towels for drying dishes and rubber gloves for cleaning can both benefit from being hung on a tension rod.

It’s simple to overlook the shadowy space under the sink when you’re cleaning up the kitchen. Put away the random janitorial items and give them their own cabinet. By installing a short curtain rod beneath the sink, you can free up storage space at the base of the cabinet and keep your cleaning supplies within easy reach.

Pick A Place With Few People And No Mountains

From the front, this piece looks like your average island — but from the back, it’s Storage central for everything you want (cookbooks, holiday accessories), but never seem to have enough space for.

Utilise Idle Areas

Such as the interior of your base cupboards. It’s ideal for hanging bulky, heavy, and inconvenient goods like colanders and cutting boards.

Invest in a Stronger Bench

A breakfast nook bench serves double duty by providing seating and hiding room for extra plates and bowls.

Plants And Produce Can Be Hung From A Basket

Get yourself a hook for the ceiling from your local hardware store. Put a hook up there in the ceiling. In the same way that you shouldn’t screw a wall mount straight into the drywall, you shouldn’t put the hook in there either. Finding a ceiling joist, drilling a hole, and installing an anchor are all necessary steps in hanging the hook securely. Use the hook to suspend a basket of goodies and relax.

Check out garage smart wall hooks

Bring Some Flavour Into Your Existence

You must be familiar with this amazing new invention called a spice rack. Accept it. These tiny jars of cumin, oregano, and cinnamon may quickly pile up and cause kitchen storage chaos. A disorganised pile in the closet won’t help anyone find anything. Use a rack to store spices, and problem solved. If you’re really on top of things, you can put your spices in identical jars and mark them with the information you need. How often you seek these seasonings depends on your tastes.

If you need more room in your cabinets, hang some spice racks. Don’t hide away those colourful spices in a dark cupboard. The installation of a wall-mounted spice rack serves dual purposes. Choose between a magnetic rack for your fridge or a more conventional wooden rack.

If you want to keep your spices close to the stove but don’t have the cabinet space, we have a great idea for you. Magnetic spice racks allow you to instal a real spice rack practically anywhere you wish, even on any wall or beneath any cabinet like Ursula did in her home tour.

Give Essentials a Lift

With these ingenious baskets, you won’t have to choose between your chopping station and storing your most-used goods, even if you have a tiny kitchen.

Shop Front

Use the area on the inside of the pantry door to store canned goods, spices, sodas, and other items. When you make use of this overlooked space, you’ll be amazed at how much extra stuff you can store.

If you’re a baker, you might want to hang your most frequently used cooking equipment, such as spoons and measuring cups, on the back of a cabinet door rather than cramming it into already overflowing drawers.

The inside of the cabinet doors is one of the most under-utilised spaces in most kitchens. Use hooks and caddies to add extra Storage. And your grocery bags can organise themselves when you take the time to fold them up carefully.

Put Your Imagination To Work

Use of your storage space is not restricted to its intended function. This rack doesn’t store towels, but rather lids for pots and pans whose matching holders are affixed to the wall.

It’s annoying to have to waste time looking for the matching pan cover. A pan rack that stands vertically in a drawer is a convenient way to keep lids organised and out of the way. Bonus? The annoying slamming of lids will no longer be an issue.

Knife Holders Concealed Behind Magnetic Shelves

If you have children in the house, this is a brilliant way to keep the counters neat and tidy, and they will be a lot safer.

Hook For Suspending Pots And Pans On The Wall

Pots and pans can be a major stumbling block in the way of otherwise well-laid plans for a small kitchen. Fortunately, there are plenty of pot and pan storage solutions that can be adapted to fit any kitchen. This attractive pot rack may be hung from the wall to save valuable cabinet space.

Rack For Storing And Displaying Cookware In A Drawer

our modest kitchen operation if we didn’t require dishes and utensils, but that would be foolish.

This space-saving method of storing pots and pans is far superior to the alternative, which is having them piled up in the kitchen without matching lids.

Utilise The Area Above Your Cabinetry

Don’t throw away the unused area above your cabinets. This area is great for stowing away bread makers and slow cookers that are used seldom. Due to its isolation from other potential sources of heat, it also makes a great wine cellar.

If you don’t already have a step stool, you should get one so you can reach these things without risking injury.

Most of us aren’t lucky enough to have full height cabinets, leaving extra dead space that drives any small space kitchen Storage seeker nuts!

Use the vertical space available in a small kitchen to keep countertops clear and reduce visual clutter. Wire baskets on the top of cupboards are a cheap and easy way to make more room in a cramped kitchen.

Dining Table That Folds Up

Folding dining tables that double as storage space are a great space-saving solution for cramped kitchens. This is a brilliant layout, with ample cupboard space.

The table’s design allows it to be adjusted to accommodate 2 or 4 diners, and it also doubles as an occasional piece of furniture when not in use.

Tag Every Last Thing

Except for a pantry where everything is labelled, there is nothing better than a well-organized kitchen. Pick up some labelling stickers or an old-school label maker like the ones Chris and Amber used in their home tour, and in a matter of minutes, your pantry will seem much more organised and professional.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Mounting empty pie-filling cans is a creative way to conserve room (and money!) in the kitchen.

Keeping a tiny kitchen in order can be challenging, but the rewards are well worth the effort. There are a tonne of fantastic tools and tips out there that can help you transform your cramped kitchen into the ideal place to whip up your signature dishes.

The mood you’re in while cooking can change drastically depending on how well you’ve managed to organise your tiny kitchen.


A small kitchen’s extra counter or storage space is doubled. Applying even one of these brilliant ideas to your kitchen can make it feel bigger. Garage Storage Solutions can organise your kitchen. Assess your kitchen supplies before starting over. Make piles of things you’ll retain, trash, and donate.

Place frequently-used plates, glasses, and cutlery on lower or eye-level shelves. Wire shelf risers raise cabinet shelves. Store more dishes and find them faster. A pull-out cup rack may display multiple coffee mugs. Pans, chopping boards, lids, and baking sheets can be vertical or horizontal.

Use a separator to organise knives, seasonings, and utensils. Use a kitchen cart instead of adding cabinets and work surfaces. The Kitchen Pegboard Pots and Pans Organizer Storage and Organization Kit prevents cookware from falling because it’s ten times stronger than conventional pegboard. Colour coding allows open shelving without the drawbacks (visible clutter). You can store spices in a magnetic spice rack on the wall or beneath a cupboard, as Ursula did on her house tour.

Most kitchens waste room behind locked cabinets. Use baskets and shelves to increase storage. Instead of towels, this rack has wall-mounted pot and pan covers. Small kitchens are hard to organise, but the benefits are worth it. Wire baskets on upper cabinet shelves provide economical storage space. Wall-mounting empty pie-filling cans save space and money.

Content Summary

  1. When you’re short on kitchen space, every square inch counts for twice as much.
  2. Please look at Garage Storage SolutionsSometimes it’s not easy to find a good system for organising a tiny kitchen.
  3. We pinned many kitchen organisation ideas, but all the kitchens had ample storage space for dishes, pots, and spices.
  4. You need to take stock of everything in your kitchen and treat it like a clean slate before you can begin.
  5. There is a finite amount of cupboard and counter space in a kitchen.
  6. Since this is the case, my next suggestion for organising a small kitchen is to eliminate all the clutter first.
  7. If your kitchen cabinets are stuffed with unnecessary items, no amount of organisation tips will help.
  8. Using wire shelf risers, you can make your shelves taller, giving you more room for utensils and other goods.
  9. This space-saving tea organiser minimises clutter and maintains pristine tea leaves.
  10. Put your dishes, bowls, and mugs on racks that slide under the shelves to free up even more cupboard room.
  11. With a pull-out coffee cup rack, you may store and display many of your daily-use mugs.
  12. You’ve finally run out of places to put your priceless collection of coffee mugs, but you need a way to display them proudly.
  13. Utilise a divider to classify your cutlery, spices, and knives neatly.
  14. For a smooth post-dinner cleanup, store your containers and lids in this sleek organiser.
  15. Storing baking sheets, chopping boards, and lids is easy with a metal file organiser.
  16. As time passes, the contents of a junk drawer inevitably grow to the point where they crowd out the things you need quick access to.
  17. You should go through your junk drawer once a quarter and make sure everything in there is useful.
  18. Instead of building more permanent cupboards and counters, consider using a movable kitchen cart.
  19. We love this idea of storing your pots and pans on a pegboard.
  20. Since you take the time to colour-coordinate your wardrobe, it is the reason that you would also apply this kind of organisation to the space you spend the most time in.
  21. Hang your cleaning items vertically from a small tension rod within the cabinet.
  22. It’s simple to overlook the shadowy space under the sink while cleaning up the kitchen.
  23. A breakfast nook bench serves double duty by providing seating and a hiding room for extra plates and bowls.
  24. Get yourself a hook for the ceiling from your local hardware store.
  25. You must be familiar with this amazing new invention called a spice rack.
  26. Use a rack to store spices, and the problem is solved.
  27. If you need more room in your cabinets, hang some spice racks.
  28. The installation of a wall-mounted spice rack serves dual purposes.
  29. Choose a magnetic rack for your fridge or a more conventional wooden one.
  30. If you’re a baker, hang your most frequently used cooking equipment, such as spoons and measuring cups, on the back of a cabinet door rather than cramming it into overflowing drawers.
  31. The inside of the cabinet doors is one of the most under-utilised spaces in most kitchens.
  32. Use of your storage space is not restricted to its intended function.
  33. Hook for suspending pots and pans on the wall Pots and pans can be a major stumbling block in the way of otherwise well-laid plans for a small kitchen.
  34. Fortunately, plenty of pot and pan storage solutions can be adapted to fit any kitchen.
  35. This attractive pot rack may be hung from the wall to save valuable cabinet space.
  36. Keep the unused area above your cabinets.
  37. Wire baskets on the top of cupboards are a cheap and easy way to make more room in a cramped kitchen.
  38. Folding dining tables that double as storage space are a great space-saving solution for cramped kitchens.
  39. Except for a pantry where everything is labelled, there is nothing better than a well-organised kitchen.
  40. Keeping a tiny kitchen in order can be challenging, but the rewards are well worth the effort.
  41. Many fantastic tools and tips can help you transform your cramped kitchen into the ideal place to whip up your signature dishes.

FAQs About Small Kitchen

Why compact kitchens are preferable?

There won’t be any need to clean up the clutter if everything is stored in its proper location. A tiny kitchen may be preferable if you have an abundance of cookware. Fewer cookware items means fewer dirty pots and pans.

If your kitchen is too small, what do you suggest I do?

Consider utilising a closet or nook in an adjacent room if your kitchen is too small to accommodate the storage you need. You can store seldom-used cooking utensils or dry goods in a recessed niche.

What would you recommend as the optimal layout for such a restricted space?

For the most storage space use, a U-shaped kitchen layout may be the best option for a modestly sized kitchen. Make the most of the space in the two corners of the room by installing pull-out internal fittings that provide access to all the contents of these cabinets. The galley layout is another space-saving option.

What would work best in a little kitchen?

Neutral and white paint colours might be a lifesaver in a cramped kitchen. Since white paint bounces light off of its surfaces, it makes walls appear to recede and creates the illusion of more open space. Utilizing it on the walls, worktops, cabinets, and ceiling helps to create a unified area with few sharp corners or edges.

What paint hues work best to enlarge a cramped cooking space?

Because of their reflected properties, lighter shades will make your kitchen seem both larger and more spacious. Other wonderful colours for creating the illusion of more space are light blues, greens, and soft yellows.


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