Do you have a garage full of new tyres? Don’t know how to store them? Tyres can take up a lot of space, so it’s important to store them appropriately. 

If you’re looking for things to outfit your entire garage, GarageSmart® got you covered. We can turn your cluttered garage into a clean, crisp, highly functional area for your home.

This post will show you the best way to store tyres in your garage. Read on for more information.

Get These Things Done Before Putting Your Tyres Away

  • Please take careful note of your tyres’ placement on the car when removing them. If you do this before mounting your tyres again, you can ensure they wear evenly.
  • Make sure there is no damage or excessive wear on any of them.
  • Simply washing your wheels and tyres with water and then thoroughly drying them will greatly reduce the likelihood of rust.
  • Clear the tyre treads of any pebbles or other debris that may have become lodged there.

Simple Guide to Tyre Storage to Maximise Their Lifespan

Remove The Grime From The Tyres

tyres should be cleaned before being put away, so get some water, soap, and a tyre brush and get to work. The accumulated brake dust and road filth throughout the season will be washed away. tyres stored on wheels should also be cleaned. Before moving forwards, check to see if they are totally dry.

There Is No Need to Apply Shine

To store tyres, there is no need to apply a dressing or shine product. The compounds used in tyres are designed to withstand the deteriorating effects of the sun and other ecological considerations, such as ozone cracking. On the contrary, these products may shorten the life of the tyres.

Fill Your Bags

Locate a big, sealable plastic bag that can accommodate each tyre. You can use leaf bags or yard bags. Make sure there’s no moisture in the bag (or the tyre), then vacuum out enough air as you can before taping it shut. Because of the lack of air circulation, fewer oils from the rubber will evaporate. It is also possible to purchase a tyre caddy or a tyre tote designed specifically for storing tyres. 

These prevent dirt and dust from accumulating on tyres during transportation and storage. The problem is that they don’t seal well against the outside environment.

Don’t Expose in the Sun

Rubber can easily degrade under the sun’s heat and ultraviolet light. Therefore, tyres should be kept in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight when not in use.

Pick Your Spot

Tyres, even when covered, should never be left outside in the cold or heat. Think about a place that is not exposed under the sunlight and has a comfortable temperature, moderate ventilation, and low humidity. 

A cool, dark place like your basement works great. It is important to keep the tyres out of direct sunlight and from any heat sources. Humidity, temperature, and precipitation, and levels fluctuate in most outbuildings. This kind of volatility is something you wish to avoid.

Protect Your Tyres From Chemicals

Ozone should be your top priority in avoiding chemicals. Tires take the brunt of the damage. Contact brush electric motors release ozone into the atmosphere. Such things may include:

  • Furnaces
  • Generators
  • Switches
  • Compressors
  • Septic systems
  • Automated centralised vacuums

Securing White Rubber

Do your tyres feature whitewalls or other white accents? You can avoid having to bag your tyres by joining the white and black sides. Think about it for a second: On the white side, the black rubber is made from a different formula than on the other side.

To stop oils from seeping through to the white side of the tyre and discolouring it, a coating of quasi-black rubber is applied there. Normal tyres are used for the black sidewall. If you want to preserve the lustre of your white rubber and keep it free of scuffs and other markings, you should store colours similarly.

Is It Better to Stand, Stack, or Hang?

The Best Time To Start Garage Renovation Projects 2

You had three choices for how to keep your tyres:

  • Hold them up straight.
  • Putting objects on their edges frees up floor room.
  • Display them on racks or racks.

Less strain is placed on the tyres when you stand, making this the ideal alternative. In any case, don’t stack things too high if you must. You should take safety measures to avoid damaging the cart’s tyres by tipping it over. 

Sets of rims with tyres attached? In this case, stacking up is a good idea. hanging tyres on their rims is another option for minimising space requirements. Never hang a set of tyres that haven’t yet been mounted, as doing so might cause them to distort and even damage the tyres.

Tyres eventually wear out. However, with your aid, you can make them last longer. We suggest leaving your tyres in the care of your tyre dealer if you wish to be sure they are stored safely and securely. And before you put them back on your car for another season of driving, it’s a good idea to have a tyre expert look at them to ensure they’re in good shape.

The Best Way to Keep Wheels and Tyres in Storage

Tyres on wheels are stored differently than those without rims because the wheel provides additional sidewall support.

It would help if you didn’t stack them in a warehouse. The tyre will have flat areas more quickly due to the wheel’s weight. With GarageSmart® Storage Solutions, you can have the perfect garage for your needs without all the hassle. 

Mounted tyres on rims are best stored on the garage wall. The wheel’s bearing surface will spread the load, extending the tyre’s life. You may also stack these atop one other and use the wheels to distribute the load.

It could be essential to deflate your tyres significantly, depending on the kind of your wheels. It would help if you didn’t go any lower than ten psi, though. To maintain the seal, the air pressure inside the tyre must be greater than the air pressure outside. Anything less than that could cause a slow leak over time.

It’s crucial to wash the wheels along with the tyres before putting them away for the winter. Wheels can be cleaned with any method that restores their finish, but tyres should be avoided. If you make a mistake, you can clean it up with soap and water.

When Storing Tries, Is It a Bad Idea to Keep Them in the Open Air?

Never keep tyres in an open area. A tyre exposed to the sun can quickly reach temperatures 135 degrees Fahrenheit. So there’s no need to worry about your tyres melting in the sun, although doing so can reduce their lifespan.

UV radiation from the sun is the major issue. You got that correct. The sun’s UV rays are hazardous for our skin and our tyres. Coatings on tyres facilitate their movement as the temperature changes. However, the sun’s ultraviolet rays can cause the tyres to dry out and become brittle.

After it happens, cracks appear in the tyres. Dry rot poses a significant health risk if not addressed promptly. There’s a chance that might lead to a tyre blowout while driving on the highway, with the tyre and wheel coming entyrely separate.

tyres should be kept in a dry, cool place like a garage or storage unit. Still, it’s preferable to be inside somewhere rather than outdoors and vulnerable to the weather.

Keep Tyres Cool and Dry in Storage

Similarly, your tyres should never be stored someplace they can freeze, but rather in a temperature-controlled environment.

When the temperature rises or falls, rubber expands and compresses. As a result, the tyre’s structural integrity might be compromised with each expansion and contraction cycle.

These oils in the tyres will spread out and aid in damage prevention if the tyres are used regularly. However, they can’t get a grip if the tyres are always in the same spot. GarageSmart® offers the perfect garage storage cabinet to fit your needs!

tyres should be kept in an airtight container if possible; however, this isn’t always possible. Something from our garage shelf must not fall on your tyres; we assure you (motor oil, antifreeze, fertiliser, paint, etc.)


Wheels and tyres may take up a lot of room if not properly stored. Reducing the chance of rust can be as easy as washing your wheels and tyres with water and drying them completely. No further dressing or shine product is required. Tires should be stored out of the sun in a cool, dark place when they are not being used. Covered or not, tyres should never be stored at extreme temperatures.

Keep them in a cold, dark spot, like your basement; direct sunshine and heat sources should be avoided. Assembling the white and black sides of your rubber will help maintain its shine. Tires have a finite lifespan. But with your help, you can extend their usefulness for a good long while. We recommend entrusting your tyre care to your local tyre store.

It’s recommended to hang tyres on rims on the garage wall. Any finish-restoring cleaning method can be used on wheels, but tyres should be left alone. Tires can dry out and crack under the sun’s UV radiation. Neglecting to fix dry rot is dangerous to people’s health. Something like that could cause a tyre to blow out while you’re travelling down the highway. However, storing tyres in an airtight container is not always an option.

Content Summary

  • Wheels and tyres may take up a lot of room if not properly stored.
  • What follows is a continuation of that discussion for those interested.
  • Put your tyres away only after you’ve completed the following. When taking the tyres off the car, please do so with extreme caution.
  • You may assure uniform tread wear by doing this before remounting your tyres.
  • Look at each one carefully to make sure it is in good shape and hasn’t seen any serious wear.
  • Reducing the chance of rust can be as easy as washing your wheels and tyres with water and drying them completely.
  • The last thing you want to do before putting away your tyres is to leave them dirty, so get some soap, water, and a tyre brush and get to them.
  • The wheels on which the tyres are stored should also be cleaned.
  • The use of a treatment or shine product on tyres before storing them is unnecessary.
  • Instead, these items may reduce the tyres’ useful lifespan.
  • Find a large, resealable plastic bag that can hold each tyre.
  • You can also buy a tyre caddy or tyre tote, which are containers made expressly for storing tyres.
  • These safeguard tyres from getting dirty and dusty while being transported or stored.
  • They don’t provide adequate protection from the elements, which is the main issue.
  • Covered or not, tyres should never be stored at extreme temperatures.
  • Imagine a room that is cool, has adequate ventilation, and has low humidity yet is not directly exposed to the sun.
  • A cellar or other dark, chilly room would be ideal.
  • Tires must be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat.
  • The tyres usually take the hit.
  • Tire bagging is unnecessary if the white and black sides are joined.
  • Just give it some thought: The black rubber on the white side is formulated differently than the other side.
  • A covering of nearly black rubber is put to the white side of the tyre to prevent lubricants from permeating through and discolouring it.
  • The black sidewalls on these tyres are just like those on any other set.
  • If you care about the sheen of your white rubber and keeping it free of scuffs and other imperfections, you should store all colours in the same way.
  • Keep them standing tall.
  • Expose them to the public by placing them in racks.
  • If you really must stack items, don’t go crazy.
  • Don’t risk ruining the cart’s tyres by rolling it over; instead, take appropriate precautions.
  • One more way to save room is to store tyres on their rims.
  • Tires have a finite lifespan.
  • But with your help, you can extend their usefulness for a good long while.
  • If you want to be sure your tyres are kept securely, you should leave them with your tyre dealer.
  • A tyre professional should inspect your tyres before you put them back on your automobile for the new driving season.
  • Tires with rims are kept in a different manner than those without, as the rim offers more sidewall support.
  • Stop storing them in a warehouse, that’ll help.
  • The heavy wheel will cause the tyre to wear down faster, resulting in flatter spots.
  • It’s recommended to hang tyres on rims on the garage wall.
  • The bearing surface of the wheel will disperse the force, so extending the tire’s service life.
  • Depending on the wheels you have, it may be necessary to considerably lower the pressure in the tyres.
  • It is necessary to have more air pressure within the tyre than outside in order to keep the seal.
  • Before storing your wheels and tyres for the winter, make sure you give them a thorough cleaning.
  • Do not store tyres in a public place.
  • It doesn’t take long for the surface of a tyre baking in the sun to reach 135 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • In other words, exposing your tyres to the sun won’t cause them to melt, but it will shorten their lifespan.
  • The primary threat is the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation.
  • UV radiation from the sun are damaging to human skin and car tyres.
  • Tires with temperature-responsive coatings are easier to manoeuvre.
  • But the tyres can dry out and crack under the sun’s UV rays.
  • Neglecting to fix dry rot is dangerous to people’s health.
  • There’s a potential that might cause a tyre rupture on the highway, with the wheel and tyre being completely detached.
  • Tires need to be stored in a cool, dry place like a garage or shed.
  • Though, being indoors is still preferable to being outside in the elements.
  • Tyres should be stored in a cool, dry place.
  • To the same extent, you should never keep your tyres in a position where they can freeze, opting instead for a climate-controlled garage or shed.
  • Rubber expands and contracts as the temperature changes.
  • If tyres are used frequently, the lubricants inside them will disperse and help prevent deterioration.
  • On the other hand, if the tyres are always in the same place, they won’t be able to gain traction.
  • Although it is preferable to store tyres in an airtight container, this is not always feasible.
  • You don’t have to worry that something will fall from the shelf in our garage and smash your tyres (motor oil, antifreeze, fertilizer, paint, etc.)

FAQs About Garage

Can You Store tyres in an Unheated Garage?

tyres should be stored in a cool, dark, dry spot – a climate-controlled basement is better than an unheated garage or outdoor site like a shed. Keep them away from direct sunlight and be watchful for electric motors near the storage site, such as those on furnaces. They emit ozone which is very harmful to tyres.

How Should You Store New tyres?

Store your tyres indoors in a clean, cool and dark location away from direct sunlight, sources of heat and ozone such as hot pipes or electric generators. If you are storing outdoors (recommended for a short time only), raise tyres off the ground and use waterproof covering with holes to prevent moisture build-up.

How Long Can You Keep tyres in Your Garage?

If not used, tyres last for 6-10 years, depending on the storage and environmental conditions. Overall, the time limits for stored tyres are much the same as for tyres that are being used.

Should You Let Air Out of tyres for Storage?

Should You Store tyres Inflated or Deflated? Generally, it’s okay to store your tyres when they’re still inflated. You never need to deflate them fully for long-term storage. To prep your tyres for storage make sure to clean and dry them thoroughly before putting them away.

How Should tyres Be Stored Flat or Upright?

If possible, store tyres vertically rather than stacking horizontally to reduce stress and tyre distortion. Also, place on a piece of clean wood and not directly on the ground.


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