When relocating to a new house, having a clear idea of what items to store can help you devise a storage strategy that fits your needs. Still, there are some things you absolutely cannot put in a storage unit, so tread carefully if you’re intending to rent one for your own use. Check out GarageSmart. Restrictions on what you can and cannot do with your possessions in a public storage facility are in place for everyone’s protection. Although you’re paying for the room to store your belongings, you can’t keep perishables like food in there because of the risk of insect infestation, which would destroy both your stuff and the stuff of the other people who rent out space in the facility.

The following items are not safe for storage and should never be placed in a storage container. Don’t forget that you’re on the hook for any costs associated with fixing problems caused by your failure to adhere to the storage facility’s safety regulations. Don’t store anything in the unit that you aren’t allowed to. Put simply. Speak to us if you’re looking for premium garage storage solutions in Melbourne.


Among the many self-storage safety tips, this is one of the most disregarded. Never store perishable items like food or pet food in a storage container. Consider: you keep food in the enclosed room for an extended period of time, the food rots, and the odour of the rotting food attracts insects and rodents. These unwanted guests will likely gnaw on the rest of your stored items and possibly even nest there, causing further damage.

Need more complicated issues? The entire identity facility may be infested. If by some miracle no rodents find their way inside your unit in search of the food, then mould and germs will begin to spread. Don’t forget this important safety rule: you can’t keep any food in the storage container. First of all, perishable food products that are left out for too long might attract pests like insects and rats, resulting in an unpleasant infestation. All types of things can be chewed on, used as nesting material, and destroyed by the destructive habits of these pests.

Second, germs and mould can flourish in an environment where some food has spoiled and begun to give off unpleasant odours. Infestations of unwanted pests may have their origins in spoiled food supplies. Fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, grains, and rice are all examples of such foods. Pet food and other items derived from animals fall under this category as well. These things may serve as a breeding ground for insects, rats, bacteria, and mould. You shouldn’t use your storage space as an off-site kitchen. If you keep milk, veggies, or other perishables in your unit and the temperature fluctuates, the bacteria will flourish. Pests can also be attracted to grains and other dry items.

Perishable foods should be at the top of the list of things you shouldn’t store in a container. While it’s true that most canned goods may be safely stored within a storage unit, this is not the case for fresh foods or pet food. These perishable foods will expire and decompose quickly, and they could also spread germs throughout the storage facility.

Mould and mildew will quickly spread through your storage unit if you’ve decided to keep perishable foods there. There will soon be a fungal overgrowth and the infestation will spread throughout your entire storage container. Everything irreplaceable you have stored in your unit will be harmed by the infestation, whether or not it is perishable. Pests like rats and insects may be drawn to the storage container by the stench of decaying food and other unpleasant odours. Having these unwanted guests around will transform your spare room into a nightmare of epic proportions. You can avoid these problems by not storing any food items in your storage unit. Click here to check out this huge list of home storage ideas.

Live Animals/Pets

Who in their right mind would want to store a living creature in a storage locker? But it has been accomplished by some. Leaving a living creature (like your unfortunate pet) in a public storage container is not only forbidden by the rules, but also against the law. Never do that! If you have to leave your animal companion behind, the last thing you should do is abandon them in the dark, by themselves, and without food and water.

How much effort do you put into caring for your pet? In that case, it’s best to find a trustworthy relative or friend to take care of them, or to employ a pet sitter. Leaving any kind of living thing in your storage unit is strictly forbidden. Doing so is not only immoral, but illegal as well. Never leave any animals in a storage unit. If you know you won’t be able to keep a pet after moving, it’s better to find a new home for it than to abandon it. Consider leaving it with a relative or friend, or bringing it to a reputable animal shelter so it may be adopted by someone who will.

Items containing living organisms are not permitted in storage containers. In addition to being against the law, keeping humans, pets, or even plants in a storage unit is strictly prohibited. A storage unit is not a place to keep anything liveable, meaning nothing that needs ventilation, heating, or cooling. Are you short on square footage and thus unable to keep a turtle terrarium or a 75-gallon fish tank at your existing abode? Do you plan on putting it in a storage facility instead? Try again. Don’t put your pet in storage; it’s just not right. Your pet can’t stay in your storage unit while you’re on vacation, even if it might seem like a good, cheap option to a kennel. Don’t even think of trying to use one of these things on that fern; they’re strictly for inanimate objects.

house with three garage


Now that you know not to leave any living creatures in your rental space, you should also avoid putting any plants in your self-storage unit. You are well aware that a storage unit lacks the water, air and light that plants require for proper growth. Leaving your plants with friends or donating them is an option if you are unable to transport them to your new house or keep them in your present home during construction. Simply said, don’t be a hero and endanger your green pals in the process of saving them.

Another item that shouldn’t be packed up in boxes for the duration of a move is live plants. If you did that, your plants would be deprived of the three essentials for their growth: sunlight, water, and air. The eventual result of such a careless action would be the destruction of your plants. Not only that, but some bugs can be attracted to plants, which could lead to even more issues for the tenant over the rental term. Donate your green friends to those who will take good care of them if you simply can’t find a place for them in your new dwelling. Plants require daily sunshine and consistent watering to survive; they also serve as a magnet for insects and other pests, making them unacceptable in Storage. If you’re a gardener, you can store your pots, shovels, and other tools in your unit, but unfortunately, we can’t allow any living plants.


Between 70 and 75 degrees is ideal for preserving artwork. Paintings on canvas are vulnerable to damage from temperature fluctuations, especially contraction and expansion. They would be easier to steal from as well.


It’s possible that a storage unit won’t be good for your leather coat and shoes. Also, leather can contract or expand depending on the ambient temperature.

Sensitive Documents

Even if you use a Master Lock on your files, thieves can easily break in. An Associated Press report states that in Washington state, a hard disc containing the personal information of 1.2 million people was stolen from a storage facility.

night burglary of house

Hazardous Materials

The storage of hazardous materials is prohibited because of the potential for harm they pose. Anything that could cause serious harm if it were accidentally opened or spilt is, by definition and general consensus, a hazardous material. Materials that are corrosive, combustible, or explosive are not allowed in storage because they represent a significant risk to people’s health and can cause extensive property damage in a matter of seconds.

The use of any prohibited substance is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: aerosol cans, gasoline, chemicals, acids, lamp, gases, propane tanks, or motor oils, paint thinners, paints, cleaners, weed killers, pesticides, vehicle batteries, liquor, charcoal, pyrotechnics, and more. Yard tools that run on gas should also not be put away for the winter. Your unit can accommodate a lawnmower, but only if you remove the gas and oil first.

No, you may not keep any kind of firearm, ammo, or explosives; instead, you should visit a gun shop or range to find secure storage for your weapon. Check out the garage smart wall. Put simply, you shouldn’t store any kind of hazardous materials there. Public storage facilities are not allowed to house any corrosive, combustible, or explosive goods. The reason for this is crystal evident; they are extremely dangerous to people’s health. Dangerous goods can also cause expensive harm to property.

Chemicals, acids, gases, fuel, oils, paints and paint thinners, insecticides, alcoholic beverages, explosives, and so on are only some of the many things that cannot be stored. Your chosen storage facility should provide you with a complete list of prohibited items for storage upon your request. You may be required to drain the petrol and oil from your lawnmower and other yard tools before storing them. Due to the heat and lack of air, gasoline, ammunition, and pyrotechnics should never be kept in a storage container. You should check your lease to see what else needs to be included.

Biological waste, asbestos, and acids are just some of the harmful substances that should never be stored in a self-storage facility. This may seem like a no-brainer, but not all poisonous substances have clear health risks. Fertilizers and other cleaning chemicals, for instance, might be dangerous if kept in the wrong conditions. Storing these products poses an immediate risk to the safety of anyone using your storage unit or the surrounding region. Speak to us if you’re looking for elite garage storage solutions in Sydney.

Let’s examine asbestos as a case in point. Asbestos is a material that occurs naturally and can be found in many products used daily, including adhesives, plastics, baby powder, hair dryers, and many more. It’s made up of tiny fibres that float freely in the air and can be inhaled. Asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer are just a few of the disorders that can develop after prolonged exposure to these potentially dangerous materials. It’s important to remember the potential hazards posed by seemingly innocuous items found about the house.

Objects that provide a fire or explosion risk are among the most strictly prohibited things. Fireworks and explosives, as well as gasoline, propane, oil, grease, chemicals, cleansers, and paint, fall under this category. Biological waste, fertiliser, and asbestos are all included here because they are considered poisonous or harmful. In addition, anything radioactive or unlawful is also included.

Most storage facilities won’t let you store explosives or other potentially harmful items. Products like gasoline, kerosene, and fireworks pose too great a risk of combustion and fire to be kept in a regular warehouse. Anyone entering the building should be aware of the severe danger posed by even seemingly non-explosive items. Contact the storage facility’s employees if you have any questions or concerns about the items you plan to store. Your storage container is in danger of catching fire if you have flammable materials in it. Combustibles may detonate in the event of a sudden rise in temperature. To summarise, below is an exhaustive list of no-gos:

  • Receptacles for the storage of propane
  • Aerosols (e.g., cooking spray and hairspray)
  • Containers for waste such as Jerry cans (fuel cans)
  • Products containing gasoline or gasoline
  • Fluid with a lower specific gravity
  • Castor oil
  • Paint
  • Explosives
  • Fireworks
  • Kerosene lamps
  • Fertilizer
  • Material containing asbestos or asbestos insulation
  • Acid (vehicle batteries and drain cleaners may include acid) (car batteries and drain cleaners may contain acid)
  • Receptacles for the storage of propane
  • Solid and liquid waste from living organisms (e.g., syringes and needles)
  • Discards that are potentially harmful (e.g., old batteries and leftover paint)


Ammunition and guns are typically not allowed in self-storage units. You can get more information about these things from the storage facility. And don’t even think of bringing your firearms or ammunition to a self-storage facility. Self-storage facilities typically have strict policies on keeping firearms or other weapons on the premises. This comprises pre-World War II artillery and other pre-modern weaponry. If guns got into the wrong hands, they could cause a lot of damage and even explode.


It may seem like a good idea to save a computer, TV, or camera for possible future usage, but keeping them in a Storage unit for a long time might corrode the metal within.

Scented Or Wet Items

Scents and moisture are two no-nos for a storage facility. Those unwanted bugs, rodents, and other critters might be lured to their source by overpowering odours, as we’ve seen. Living things of any kind, whether they be crawling or flying, should be avoided at all costs in a rented space. Wet or damp objects will also start creating mould and mildew and spreading bacteria in your self-storage container, potentially causing harm to some, most, or all of your valuables. Before you even think of packing up your belongings and leaving them in your storage unit, be sure that everything is completely dry. Do not store anything that could become wet or damp in a storage unit, as this would provide the ideal environment for mould and mildew to flourish, greatly increasing the danger of permanent damage to all of your belongings. If you’re storing clothing or shoes, for example, you should double-check that they’re completely dry before packing them away.

Even if candles and soaps don’t contain any food, the scents they emit may nevertheless entice insects and rodents. In that case, don’t store anything that emits a strong odour. Don’t use an umbrella since they collect water and become a breeding ground for bacteria and mould. Bear in mind that things with strong odours can attract pests like insects and rats, as well as potentially upset your storage unit’s neighbours.


Don’t put anything of great worth in storage. It’s as easy as that. What constitutes value to one person may not at all correspond to what constitutes value to another. For this reason, the monetary value of an expensive jewellery item is a strong indicator of its worth. Yet, even something as seemingly insignificant as an article of clothing or a painting can hold a great deal of significance if it has a personal connection for you. While the overall storage facility security may be top-notch, it’s still not wise to take any chances with your belongings. Therefore, you should constantly keep your valuables close to you.

No self-storage facility can guarantee the safety of your belongings, therefore you should avoid storing anything of extreme monetary or sentimental importance. The preferable choice is to store your assets at your new residence, perhaps with the addition of a high-quality personal safe for your most prized possessions. If storing valuables is your only choice, however, you should notify the storage facility in advance and consider the possibility of purchasing additional insurance. Check out garage cabinets

efficient modern garage solution

Unregistered Vehicles

Only automobiles that are registered, insured, and in running condition will be accepted for storage. Vehicles of all shapes and sizes are included in this category. Any items that haven’t been declared by the renter will be removed from the facility.

Vehicles are required to be in running condition and have valid registration, licencing, and insurance when placed in Storage. There is still a need for insurance on a stored vehicle because you remain responsible for it and any damage it may cause. In addition, many self-storage facilities have tyre storage restrictions. Typically, a storage facility has a maximum capacity of four tyres. If you don’t return the tyres as promised, this will assist keep the disposal costs down.

Stolen Items / Suspicious Items

Stolen items are one of the many things you shouldn’t keep in a storage container. This seems like obvious wisdom, but hey, you never know. If you don’t legally own the objects you’re storing or have the owner’s permission to store them in your self-storage unit, you can’t store them there. Why? Considering how unlawful it is. The manager of the building will immediately contact the police if they have any suspicions that something criminal is occuring on the premises. You may be subject to arrest and interrogation if it turns out that objects you’ve stored have been reported as stolen. That is to say, don’t even consider it.

It should come as no surprise that you cannot keep any stolen property in a storage facility. To put it another way, you need to either have full ownership rights to the items you store, or written authorisation from the rightful proprietors. Don’t do anything you shouldn’t since the management or other staff members at the storage facility will report you to the authorities immediately.

You think no reputable storage facility would ever knowingly do business with criminals. Self-storage facilities do not allow the storage of any contraband or stolen property, including, but not limited to, entire front lawns. Further, no firearms, explosives, or other weapons are allowed. Speak to us if you’re looking for garage storage solutions in Australia.

Don’t Assume That All Construction Equipment Can Be Placed In Storage

It’s not uncommon for construction firms to store unused tools and materials in a rented storage container, but there are exceptions. It is illegal to store equipment used for underground drilling or water tracing in containers. Because listings tend to differ from place to place and are prone to change, it’s important to double-check with the manager of the storage facility you’re renting to get a comprehensive list of construction goods that may and cannot be stored there.

Rising housing costs are no reason to downsize from your studio to a storage locker. While we appreciate self-convenience, storage’s we believe that human beings were not designed to spend their time in a dreary, underground vault. A storage container is not a safe place to call home, and doing so is against the law. It’s prohibited to live or work in a storage facility. You are prohibited from using the storage facility as a residence or place of business. You will likely lose your unit if you are found guilty of one of these offences (and get in trouble with the law).


Despite the convenience of public storage, there are some items that simply cannot be kept there. It’s not a good idea to use a storage unit for perishables like food or pet food. Remember that you are financially responsible for resolving issues that arise from your failure to follow safety laws. Fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy products, cereals, and rice are examples of perishable items that should not be stored in a container. Animal by-products like pet food also fit into this group.

It’s possible that bugs, rodents, bacteria, and mould might flourish in such conditions. Things that require air circulation, temperature regulation, or plumbing should not be stored in a self-storage unit. Finding a new home for a pet is preferable to abandoning it if you know you won’t be able to maintain it following a move. We ask that you not store any perishables, personal items, or dangerous products in our facility. You should never use a storage facility to keep any hazardous materials, such as biological waste, asbestos, or acids.

Combustible and flammable goods like gasoline, kerosene, and fireworks cannot be stored in a standard distribution centre. Don’t bother with an umbrella because it will just end up collecting water and becoming a breeding ground for germs and mildew. Pests like insects and rats can be drawn to items with strong odours, so keep that in mind. You should look into the option of getting extra insurance if storing your belongings is your only option. Self-storage facilities prohibit the warehousing of illegal substances and stolen goods, which includes, but is not limited to, entire front yards.

All weapons, including firearms and explosives, are strictly prohibited. Containers cannot be utilised as storage for water-tracing or underground drilling equipment.

Content Summary

  1. Having a specific list of items to pack and store might help you create a storage plan that works for you during a move.
  2. To ensure the safety of all customers, public storage facilities include rules about how items can and cannot be handled.
  3. A storage unit should never be used to keep any of the following items.
  4. Avoid putting prohibited items in the storage locker.
  5. If you need high-quality garage storage options in Melbourne, get in touch with us.
  6. Never use a storage unit to keep food or pet food that can spoil.
  7. Remember, the storage container is not a place to store food for reasons of safety.
  8. Avoid turning your storage area into a makeshift kitchen.
  9. The list of things you shouldn’t store in a container starts and ends with perishable foods.
  10. Keeping food that goes bad quickly in storage might lead to a serious mould and mildew problem in your unit.
  11. If you don’t want to deal with these issues, don’t keep any perishables in your storage unit.
  12. It’s against the law and against the rules to abandon a living thing (like your poor pet) in a public storage unit.
  13. In no circumstances are storage units to be used for the long-term warehousing of items containing any form of life.
  14. Keeping any living thing, including humans, pets, or plants, in a storage facility is against the law.
  15. It’s not right to put your pet in a storage unit.
  16. In the same way that you shouldn’t keep any pets or other animals in your rental space, you also shouldn’t leave any plants in your self-storage unit.
  17. If you are unable to move your plants to your new home or keep them in your current home during construction, you may want to consider leaving them with friends or donating them.
  18. We do not permit any living plants, but you are welcome to store your gardening equipment (such as pots, shovels, and other tools) in your unit.
  19. Leather Your fine leather outerwear and footwear may not fare well in a self-storage unit.
  20. It was reported by the Associated Press that in Washington state, a hard disc holding the personal information of 1.2 million people was stolen from a storage facility.
  21. Dangerous Goods Because of the danger they present, storing hazardous materials is forbidden.
  22. You are not permitted to retain any type of firearm, ammunition, or explosives; instead, you should visit a gun shop or range to find appropriate facilities for keeping your firearms and ammunition safe.
  23. Visit the interactive wall in the garage.
  24. To put it plainly, you shouldn’t keep anything dangerous in that area.
  25. Corrosive, combustible, or explosive materials are not permitted in public storage facilities.
  26. At your request, the storage facility you choose should give you a comprehensive list of goods that are not allowed in storage.
  27. Gasoline, ammo, and pyrotechnics should never be placed in a storage container due to the high temperatures and low ventilation levels inside.
  28. You should never use a storage facility to keep any hazardous materials, such as biological waste, asbestos, or acids.
  29. If you need premium garage storage in Sydney, get in touch with us.
  30. It’s vital to keep in mind the possible dangers posed by everyday household products despite their apparent harmlessness.
  31. The most stringent restrictions apply to potential fire or explosive hazards.
  32. Many self-storage facilities prohibit the warehousing of explosives and other hazardous materials.
  33. Also, a self-storage facility is no place for weapons or ammunition.
  34. In general, self-storage facilities prohibit tenants from bringing firearms or other weapons onto the property.
  35. Items That Emit a Scent or Are Wet Odors and condensation are the two worst enemies of a storage unit.
  36. Wet or damp items will start growing mould and mildew and spreading bacteria in your self-storage container, which could damage some, all, or even all of your possessions.
  37. Don’t put anything in storage until you’ve verified that it is entirely dry.
  38. Do not put anything into storage that could become wet or damp, as this creates the perfect conditions for mould and mildew to grow, dramatically increasing the risk of irreparable damage to all of your items.
  39. Valuables Avoid putting valuable items in storage.
  40. That’s why it’s important to always have your valuables close at hand.
  41. Avoid storing anything of great financial or sentimental value at a self-storage facility because no facility can guarantee the security of your possessions.
  42. However, if you have no other option but to store valuables, you should give the storage facility advanced notice and look into getting additional insurance.
  43. Additionally, many storage facilities prohibit the long-term storage of tyres.
  44. It should go without saying that stolen goods cannot be kept in a storage unit.
  45. If you do something illegal, the storage facility management or employees will report you to the police right away.
  46. Self-storage facilities prohibit the warehousing of illegal substances and stolen goods, which includes, but is not limited to, entire front yards.
  47. Get in touch with us if you’re searching for garage storage options in Australia.
  48. One Should Not Assume That All Construction Tools and Materials May Be Stored There are few rare cases where a construction company would not use a hired storage container to house unused equipment and supplies.
  49. It is crucial to verify with the manager of the storage facility you are renting to acquire an exhaustive list of construction materials that may and may not be stored there, as listings tend to vary from place to place and are subject to change.
  50. It is illegal to live in a storage container since it is not a safe place to live.
  51. It’s against the law to use a storage facility as a place of residence or employment.
  52. You are not allowed to use the storage unit as a house or place of business.

FAQs About The Things Not Allowed In Storage


What Is Safe To Put In A Storage Unit?

  • Furniture. Without a doubt, furniture is one of the most common items in storage units.
  • Seasonal items. Seasonal items such as clothes, shoes, accessories, etc.
  • Large household appliances.
  • Files and documents.
  • Books and magazines.
  • Collectibles and artwork pieces.

Will Pictures Get Ruined In Storage?

The only storage unit facility that is safe to store photos in is one that’s climate-controlled. If not, you risk exposing your picture to humidity and heat, which can ruin photos faster than one would think.

Is It Safe To Store Electronics In A Storage Unit?

The bottom line is: yes, you can store electronics in a self storage unit. However, they require special care and treatment to keep them in full working order.

Will Candles Melt In A Storage Unit?

Wrapping Up: Will Candles Melt in a Storage Unit? Yes, candles will melt in a storage unit. However, there are ways to prevent, or at the very least prolong, their shelf life while in storage. The best solution would be to own a climate controlled storage unit.

Is It Safe To Store Electronics In A Storage Unit?

The bottom line is: yes, you can store electronics in a self storage unit. However, they require special care and treatment to keep them in full working order.


In 2005, GarageSmart® pioneered the garage storage category in Australia. Since we’ve built a reputation of providing a premium product along with a friendly and professional service. GarageSmart has the best garage storage solutions. GarageSmart is the nation’s leader in complete garage fit-outs. We are a privately owned company and we are very proud of that. GarageSmart is a complete “do-it for you” premium garage fit out company.


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